Continue reading →: Start using page types to make your tag management life easier
At Blue Mango Interactive, we work with different tag management vendors. All of them have their own version of the data layer. This post is about using the differences between them to your advantage. We’ll look at the page type standard from Qubit’s universal variable data layer and apply it…
Continue reading →: Huh? Does DCM use the creative’s source code for its validation?
We serve most of our ads using Appnexus, but now and then we need to use a different adserver. Recently we wanted to upload our creative to Google’s DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM), part of the DoubleClick Digital Marketing platform. DCM has quite a lot of requirements for the creatives that…
Continue reading →: React Router: a comprehensive introduction
When you need to route between different parts of your React application, you’ll probably need a router. The most popular choice to do this in React is React Router. If you are familiar with routing in Ember, you’ll get your routing up and running with React Router in no time.…
Continue reading →: Improve client acquisition insights using a single line of code
As a web analyst with a technical background, I sometimes have ideas that are a mix of marketing knowhow and my basic JavaScript knowledge. This post is about one of them. It’ll show you how to measure what type of clients buy on your website. Are they new, or existing…
Continue reading →: Track content performance using Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce report
In a post from June – 5 key takeaways from the Google Analytics User Conference – we mentioned the use of GA’s enhanced ecommerce report for content (credits for the idea go to Simo Ahava). And more importantly, told your, our reader, that we were going to implement it on…
Continue reading →: Slashception with regexp_extract in Hive
As a Data Scientist I frequently need to work with regular expressions. Though the capabilities and power of regular expressions are enormous, I just cannot seem to like them a lot. That is because when they do not function as expected they can be a really time-consuming nightmare. In this…
Continue reading →: Is Apple mocking Google’s Alphabet announcement?
This post is not about code, analytics or data. It’s about tech. And something I’ve noticed after Apple’s September 9 event. On August 10, Google announced an organizational restructuring. They announced Alphabet. On September 9, Apple announced, amongst other devices, the iPad Pro. Today, nobody is talking about Apple (possibly)…
Continue reading →: The GAM approach to spend your money more efficiently!
In an earlier blogpost we described how Blue Mango Interactive optimizes the media spend of clients using S-curves. S-curves are used to find the S-shaped relationship of a particular media driver on a KPI such as sales. Moreover, when a S-curve is obtained, we can determine the optimal point that…
Continue reading →: Catch React errors and log them to Sentry
We use the amazing Sentry tool to track both our frontend and backend errors. It’s pretty straighforward to setup Sentry for code that runs in the browser, and it captures all uncatched errors out of the box: Raven.config(‘[our key]’, { collectWindowErrors: true, fetchContext: true, linesOfContext: 40 }).install(); Easy. But recentenly…
Continue reading →: Force Express to handle all requests over HTTPS
If your Express-powered Node app sends user information over the wire it’s recommended to use a secure connection. Because of this you might want to force all your requests to run over https, even when someone explicitly opens your app using http. Luckily this is pretty easy using a Express…