On June 28th Facebook hosted one of her Agency Academies in Amsterdam. During these academies, Dutch Facebook agencies are invited and updated about the latest developments on the platform. One of the announcements on that day was that Facebook would now assist you in your advertising campaigns by giving you tips on your performance and would suggest edits to improve your ad delivery.

Advertising tips

Today, when opening my Facebook ads manager this option appeared for the first time. See the screenshot below:

Your ad sets are marked with a series of different colored circles. Right now I’m seeing green and orange ones only. A green circle obviously means your campaign is running well, but the orange circles mean Facebook would like to give you some suggestions. I’m not sure if a red dot exists as well, I (thankfully) haven’t run into one yet.

When you click ‘learn more’ you’ll get redirected to the Facebook Help Center where you can find a bunch of general info and tips. However, When you click on the review button, it takes you to the underperforming ad set and Facebook gives you an advertising tip I can put into practice straight away. In this case, the tip is about the potential reach of my ad set:

The tip I screenshotted above doesn’t actually show the real situation, because the audience I’m targeting actually has an audience size of 22.000 people. Facebook tells me I’m targeting 0… The content of the tip is clear though, I’m not targeting enough people and to make my campaign more effective I should broaden my audience. When I click the edit audience button, ads manager opens up to the screen where I can make changes straight away.

In this screen it shows the tip again, so you really really won’t be able to overlook it:

This is an example of how Facebook tries to help me get more from my campaigns, I can imagine them giving these tips when your bid is too low, or when it’s better to switch off or edit a creative when it is underperforming (when it has heavy text for example). There are a ton of ways Facebook can give you these tips, and they are a goldmine for Facebook. Think about it, the more effective your campaigns are, the higher the chances of you coming back and running even more campaigns with more budget.

Also, Facebook hopes to take some of the pressure off their support team, who receive thousands of questions about ad performance and campaigns and how to improve them every day. A win-win situation for Facebook :).

Have you stumbled across this function yet? Happy clicking!

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