Continue reading →: Select a Google Analytics dimension with a JavaScript bookmark
I’m a big fan of JavaScript bookmarks. I use them to automate basic ‘if this then that’ logic in my browser. Overcoming annoyances in an interface is one of them. In this post, I’ll show you how to set up a bookmark to automate dimension selection in the Google Analytics…
Continue reading →: Track in-app ad viewability with(out) MRAID
In an earlier post, I wrote about the the history and future of ad viewability tech, how viewability and its companion exposure time are becoming more and more default metrics and measurements for online media campaigns and why I think the future of viewability measurement is looking bright. Although there…
Continue reading →: What you should consider before buying a new tool
When a client asks me: "can you help us implement [tool x]?" or "should we buy [suite a] or [suite b]?", my first reaction is usually a plan to help them implement the tool. What I often forget is the underlying question: why do they think they need this tool?…
Continue reading →: Using AWS Lambda and Slack to have fun while saving on EMR costs
We all have these times where we hack a piece of code together in 5 minutes. Usually, these pieces of code are not hidden gems, they tend to do simple stuff. Every once in a while though, you will find yourself writing a simple script which gives you a big…
Continue reading →: Three solutions to track AdWords conversion on Safari 11
Since the release of Apple’s Safari 11 update, there has been a lot going on about measuring Google AdWords conversions. With the release, Apple introduced "Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)". What is Intelligent Tracking Prevention? In short, ITP classifies trackers that are able to track users cross-site. After this classification, a…
Continue reading →: Automate your app growth report with Python and the Google Analytics API
In March 2015, I launched a web app for the Dutch Railway Services and I like to check up on the growth of the app every other week or so. The analysis used to consist of several manual steps, but I’ve recently started working with the Google Analytics API in…
Continue reading →: GAPS: A Personalisation Structure That Sets You Up For Success
We see a lot of clients that really want to get into personalisation, which is good, because we believe the most effective way for clients to reach their customers is to engage with them on an individual level. The greatest challenge companies face is to keep enthusiasm under control while…
Continue reading →: Getting started with the Google Analytics Reporting API in Python
In the Digital Analytics Power Hour podcast on R and Python, they mentioned that Python has quite a steep learning curve compared to R, for example when using the Google Analytics reporting API. During my day-to-day activities, I’ve been using the reporting API in Python, but I’ve always had help…
Continue reading →: Read data from an Angular app from outside
Although data layers are becoming more and more mainstream, quite often we still run into sites that do not have any kind of data layer available, forcing us to execute some funky tricks to get to the data we need for our web analytics and DCO projects. And these funky…
Continue reading →: Marketing tags: how do they work?
Marketing tags allow us to automatically optimise our ads and change ad content. We often brief them to our clients, or tag management partners. But did you ever stop to think how they work? No stress, we’re here to help. Two types of tags Marketing tags generally come in two…